
Propaganda Posters - United States of America (4)

U.S. President Woodrow Wilson The U.S.A. entered World War One in April 1917, but lost no time in producing many more propaganda posters than any other single nation.  These encompassed recruitment to the various armed services, plus - frequently - the raising of war finance via the hugely successful liberty bond issues.

Browse the collection of approximately 400 posters by clicking each individual image.

Approximately 400 U.S. posters are available for viewing spread over four pages. You are currently viewing the fourth page; use the links below to view other pages.

Available Pages - 1    2    3    4

Available Pages - 1    2    3    4

"Eggs-a-cook" were boiled eggs sold by Arab street vendors. It was later used by Anzac soldiers when going over the top.

- Did you know?

