On This Day - 3 August 1914
Theatre definitions:
Western Front comprises the Franco-German-Belgian front and any
military action in Great Britain, Switzerland, Scandinavia and Holland.
Eastern Front comprises the German-Russian, Austro-Russian and
Austro-Romanian fronts. Southern Front comprises the
Austro-Italian and Balkan (including Bulgaro-Romanian) fronts, and
Dardanelles. Asiatic and Egyptian Theatres comprises
Egypt, Tripoli, the Sudan, Asia Minor (including Transcaucasia), Arabia,
Mesopotamia, Syria, Persia, Afghanistan, Turkestan, China, India, etc.
Naval and Overseas Operations comprises operations on the seas
(except where carried out in combination with troops on land) and in
Colonial and Overseas theatres, America, etc. Political, etc.
comprises political and internal events in all countries, including Notes,
speeches, diplomatic, financial, economic and domestic matters.
Source: Chronology of the War (1914-18, London; copyright expired)
Countdown to War
Belgian answer to German Note, refusing demands, 7 a.m. King of Belgians appeals to King George for diplomatic intervention to safeguard Belgian integrity.
Luneville bombed by German airmen.
Skirmish between outposts near Libau.
Grand Duke Nicholas proclaimed Generalissimo of Russian forces.
German reports - proved untrue - as to French officers in Belgium and French aviators over Karlsruhe, Nurnberg, etc.
Germany declares war on France.
Order for British mobilisation.
Sir Edward Grey speaks in House of Commons.