
On This Day - 15 December 1916

Spotlights over Paris Theatre definitions: Western Front comprises the Franco-German-Belgian front and any military action in Great Britain, Switzerland, Scandinavia and Holland.  Eastern Front comprises the German-Russian, Austro-Russian and Austro-Romanian fronts.  Southern Front comprises the Austro-Italian and Balkan (including Bulgaro-Romanian) fronts, and Dardanelles.  Asiatic and Egyptian Theatres comprises Egypt, Tripoli, the Sudan, Asia Minor (including Transcaucasia), Arabia, Mesopotamia, Syria, Persia, Afghanistan, Turkestan, China, India, etc.  Naval and Overseas Operations comprises operations on the seas (except where carried out in combination with troops on land) and in Colonial and Overseas theatres, America, etc.  Political, etc. comprises political and internal events in all countries, including Notes, speeches, diplomatic, financial, economic and domestic matters.  Source: Chronology of the War (1914-18, London; copyright expired)

Western Front

General Nivelle launches great attack on Verdun front (north of Douaumont); enemy front pierced to depth of two miles; Vacherauville, Poivre Hill (342), Louvemont and Les Chambrettes captured.

Eastern Front

Enemy success on Tarnopol Railway, west of Lutsk.

Romanian and Russians still resisting north of Buzeu, but retiring from Jalomitsa.

Strong Russian defence on Moldavian frontier.

Southern Front

Enemy bombarding Monastir.

Fighting on the Struma; repulse of Bulgars.

Naval and Overseas Operations

Naval aeroplanes bomb Razlovci, 37 miles east of Istip (Serbia).

British warships shell enemy at head of Gulf of Orfano (south-west of Kavalla).

In East Africa, fighting still proceeding round Kibata.

Political, etc.

Greek Government accepts Allies' Ultimatum.

Vigorous speeches in the Duma.

German Minority Socialists' manifesto against "oracular utterances"; demand Government should state peace conditions.


On This Day
