
Prose & Poetry - War Poetry of S J Robinson - Passchendaele

British stretcher bearers near Bossinghe, 1 Aug 1917 (Pilckem Ridge/Passchendaele) Reproduced within this area of the site are present-day First World War poems written by S. J. Robinson.  Click here for an introduction to the poems.


Tree stump glistens like its wet
Tree stump glistens but it's red
Tree stump glistens where soldier bled
Early in the morning

Water shimmers in the heat
A heavy pack meant his defeat
No solid ground beneath his feet
Mud and doom was yawning

Branches stick up from the ground
Darkened twigs before a mound
A hand thrust up as soldier drowned
Just as day was dawning

Yellow stinking, sinking mud
Ground that's covered with soldier's blood
And at home as flowers bud
Another widow mourning

Bulgaria mobilised a quarter of its male population during WW1, 650,000 troops in total.

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