Primary Documents - Richard von Kühlmann on the Ukraine Brest-Litovsk Peace Settlement, 9 February 1918
Reproduced below is the
text of the address given by the Chairman of the Brest-Litovsk Conference,
Richard von Kühlmann (also German Foreign Secretary), acclaiming news of the
peace settlement.
Click here to read the response by Alexander Severyuk - speaking for the Ukraine - to von Kühlmann's address. Click here to read the reaction of the Austro-Hungarian Emperor, Karl I. Click here to read the terms of the peace treaty agreed between the Ukraine and the Central Powers.
Richard von Kühlmann (Chairman of the Brest-Litovsk Conference) on the Peace Settlement, 9 February 1918
Gentlemen, none of you will be able to close his eyes to the historical significance of this hour at which the representatives of the four allied powers are met with the representatives of the Ukrainian People's Republic to sign the first peace attained in this world war.
This peace, signed with your young State, which has emerged from the storms of the Great War, gives special satisfaction to the representatives of the allied delegation.
May this peace be the first of a series of blessed conclusions; peace blessed both for the allied powers and for the Ukrainian People's Republic, for the future of which we all cherish the best wishes.
Source: Source Records of the Great War, Vol. VI, ed. Charles F. Horne, National Alumni 1923
A "Bangalore Torpedo" was an explosive tube used to clear a path through a wire entanglement.
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