Who's Who - Franz Baron Rohr von Denta
Franz Baron Rohr von Denta (1854-1927) was
born on 30 October 1854 as Franz Denta in Arad, Hungary, the son of a
non-commissioned officer.
Franz Denta attended the Theresa Military Academy in Wiener-Neustadt and was commissioned a lieutenant 3 Galizisches Uhlanen-Regiment Erzherzog Carl in 1876. By 1896 he had achieved the rank of colonel and became chief of staff to II Corps.
In 1903 Denta commanded the 73 Landwehr-IBrig. at Pressburg and in 1909 was appointed General Inspector of military educational establishments. Promoted General der Kavallerie in 1911, he was appointed commander of the Hungarian Landwehr (Honved) in 1913.
Rohr von Denta was given command of all troops from Graz to Innsbruck including Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, the Tyrol and Voralberg. Following Italy's entry into the war he successfully defended the Corinthian border with the troops of his "Armeegruppe Rohr" until February 1916 (when the Group was dissolved) followed by 10 Army until June 1916 and then 11 Army in the Trentino - replacing General Dankl - until the following February.
In February 1917 he was ordered to command 1 Army in place of General Arz von Straussenberg who became Supreme commander of the K.u.K Army. He was promoted to Feldmarschall on 30 January 1918 following the armistice with Romania.
Rohr von Denta retained this command until 15 April 1918, when a peace treaty with Romania caused I Army to be disbanded.
Fieldmarschall Rohr died in Rodaun near Vienna on 9 December 1927. He had been raised to the nobility on 14 April 1917 and took as his predicate the title Rohr von Denta.
Contributed by Frederik Dewaele
A Battery was a group of six guns or howitzers.
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