Who's Who - Paul von Hintze
Paul von Hintze (1864-1941) served as
Germany's Imperial Foreign Minister from July to October 1918.
Hintze's career was divided into three phases. Initially serving with the German Navy he retired with the rank of Rear-Admiral before embarking upon a diplomatic career in 1911, subsequently representing his country in Mexico, China and Norway.
In spite of his varied background Hintze proved a surprise choice in July 1918 as Imperial Foreign Minister with a near total absence of a political background, although the fact that Germany was governed by an effective military dictatorship led by Paul von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff meant that Hintze was likely to form an acceptable incumbent as Foreign Minister.
In the event Hintze displayed a surprising degree of decidedly un-military moderation, pressing Kaiser Wilhelm II to undertake a more liberal government given the apparently increasing threat of revolution. Up to the last moment he strove to persuade the Kaiser not to abdicate.
Replaced by Wilhelm Solf in October 1918 (himself for a mere two months), Hintze died in 1941.
"ANZAC" was coined in 1915 from the initials of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.
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