Who's Who - Franz von Keil
Franz von Keil (1862-1945)
served as Emperor Karl I's
senior naval adviser at the close of World War One.
Keil's war began as commandant of the Adriatic naval station at Pola, a significant appointment.
February 1917 brought Keil command of the Austro-Hungarian 2nd Battleship Division. Promotion continued with the new Emperor's decision, in February 1918, to split the empire's naval command, with Admiral Horthy gaining control of the fleet.
Keil was rewarded with the consolation prize as the Emperor's senior naval adviser. In the event Karl chose not to ask for Keil's advice for the simple reason that the navy did not actually put to sea. His role was therefore entirely symbolic.
The Parados was the side of a trench farthest from the enemy.
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