Who's Who - Alexander Krivoshein
Alexander Krivoshein (1858-1921)
served as Russia's Minister of Agriculture between 1908-15.
A moderate politician, Krivoshein attempted to persuade Minister of the Interior Nikolai Maklakov to take more account of the Duma in determining policy (with only muted success) and came out in support of moderate parliamentary reform in 1915.
Already regarded with royal disfavour for his moderate stance, Krivoshein was one of several ministers to be dismissed their positions in the wake of their opposition to Tsar Nicholas II's decision to take personal command of the Russian Army from the front.
Following the October Revolution of 1917 Krivoshein joined the White anti-Bolshevik Volunteer Army in the Crimea in its fight against the Red Army. The latter's ultimate defeat sent Krivoshein into exile in France.
He died in 1921.
A "red cap" was a British military policeman.
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